Prayers of the People

Lord of light, you call us to walk in your light.  You ask us to move out of the darkness, the darkness of fear, the darkness of hatred, the darkness of pettiness and unkindness. You call us to walk in the light of your love, in the light of your wisdom, in the light of your mercy. Yet we know that we still stumble in the darkness, that we see your illumination as pools of light amidst the darkness. Help us O Lord of light to widen our hearts and minds to see your light in ever increasing circles, so that our lives instead become lives of light with pools of shadows.

Help us O Lord to increase the light in our lives that we might see where your love is needed.

We pray for your love to be shown to those in the Maritimes who are struggling with the effects of Hurricane Fiona.

We pray for your love to be shown to those who live amidst war and civil unrest – remembering especially the people of Ukraine and Iran.

We pray for your love to be shown to those who are struggling – with aging bodies, with mental or physical health issues- remembering especially those in our community who are in long-term care and those who are mourning the death of a loved one.

We pray for your love to be shown to those who live on the margins – those who are poor, those who are vulnerable, those who are othered.

We pray O Lord that we might be the ones who show your love to those in need in your world.

That we might be the ones whose lives and gifts reflect your love and increase the light in the world. That we might be the ones who walk in the light of your wisdom and bring more thoughtfulness and wisdom to the world. That we might be the ones who walk in the light of your mercy and bring more kindness and care to the world.

May we be beacons of your light in the world.


Karen H.